I haven’t done this before, so I’d appreciate some feedback on whether you think it is any use to you, as a reader (because it’s not a trivial task!). Here is a listing of almost all the posts here in the past calendar month. It’s arranged by topic with news and comment items at the top and regular features towards the bottom. A very few items appear twice and a very few published posts don’t appear at all.
Poisoned White -tailed Eagle:
- 31 July: Dear First Minister – it’s me again
- 31 July: Mr Carbo
- 30 July: Dear First Minister – what you told Nicola Sturgeon
- 30 July: Dear First Minister – letter from Chris Packham
- 30 July: Dear First Minister – from Bob Elliot and OneKind
- 30 July: Dear First Minister – from Laurence Rose
- 29 July: Dear First Minister – from Chris Gomersall
- 29 July: Dear First Minister – from Jon Dunn
- 29 July: Dear First Minister
- 28 July: Inglorious without a doubt
Hen Harriers:
- 31 July: Update on Hen Harrier Brood-meddling(2)
- 27 July: Update on 2020 Hen Harrier brood meddling (1)
- 27 July: RSPB acts – good!
- 6 July: Hen Harriers in the news
- 4 July: We’re all ageing
Badger shooting:
- 14 July: A second Badger challenge
- 8 July: Shooting badgers (3)
- 8 July: Shooting badgers (2)
- 8 July: Shooting badgers (1)
- 2 July: Badgers
Driven grouse shooting:
- 22 July: And another petition to stop peat burning
- 21 July: Goshawk at Goathland
- 16 July: Another request for information
- 15 July: Four weeks today
- 10 July: the Midhope track
- 7 July: July British Birds
- 7 July: Ban driven grouse shooting interview with Chris Packham
NE refusal to disclose BTO report
- 24 July: Why is Natural England so reluctant to disclose a piece of science?
- 24 July: Response from Natural England on ‘secret’ BTO report
- 22 July: Dear Andy (2)
- 22 July: From the BTO
- 21 July: Dear Andy
General licences:
- 21 July: Licence 19020225, and its 1,156 friends
- 10 July: If you think this is bad…
- 2 July: Riddled with errors
NGO news:
- 17 July: BTO press release – Juliet Vickery to be new CEO
- 13 July: Sad news: Colin Wilkinson RIP
- 13 July: RSPB and gamebird shooting
- 13 july: RSPB update on its gamebird shooting consultation
- 9 July: RSPB position on gamebird shooting
- 1 July: Press release from GWCT
- 1 July: RSPB’s new top boffin is Jeremy Wilson
Wild hacking:
- 21 July: Where to see Gyrs in Scotland
Other and mixed:
- 31 July: Updates and news
- 28 July: World Land Trust Wildfire Appeal – help us get ahead of the flames
- 27 July: News from a kitchen window
- 24 July: An interesting paper
- 24 July: Please be Friendly to the World Land Trust
- 23 July: Swifts – counting the days
- 21 July: Pallid Harriers breed in Czech Republic for first time
- 21 July: George Eustice speech
- 20 July: Mr Eustice of DEFRA, not useless at all
- 18 July: A modern Royal Family
- 17 July: I’ve been away
- 17 July: Andy Clements extended, Teresa Dent expendable
- 15 July: Fruits of the garden
- 13 July: BASC fighting fund
- 12 July: Flying ants spark usual hysteria
- 10 July: the Midhope track
- 9 July: News from Iceland
- 9 July: Petitions Committee doing its job
- 7 July: July British Birds
- 6 July: News from the shooting bubble
- 4 July: Independence Day lessons
- 2 July: An interesting study
- 1 July: First they came for the newts, then they came for the salmon, eels, shads and lampreys?
- 1 July: Even children find Natural England laughable
- 1 July: A record June for this blog
Guest blogs:
- 1 July; The Great Divide by Dominic Woodfield
- 3 July: Down the Pub by Ben Hoare
- 4 July: Tracking Robins in the Soundscape by Murray Marr
- 5 July: Rebirth by Danilo Selvaggi
- 10 July: Farmed to Hell by Louise Bacon
- 12 July: Where did our birds come from? by Alan Parfitt
- 14 July: Reconnecting with Rock Pools by Heather Buttivant
- 22 July: Why councils should think about weeds in a different way by Amanda Tuke
- 23 July: Reimagining the Uplands by Ben MacDonald
- 25 July: Clutching at Straws by Jane V. Adams
Book Reviews:
- 19 July: Coming quite soon…
- 12 July: Uplands and Birds by Ian Newton
- 5 July: Cottongrass Summer by Roy Dennis
Cartoons by Ralph Underhill:
Tim Melling:
- 25 July: Yellow Wagtail
- 18 July: Blyth’s Reed Warbler
- 13 July: That Lammergeier
- 11 July: Nightjar
- 4 July: Goshawk
Paul Leyland:
- 26 July: Brimstone Moth
- 19 July: Marbled White
- 12 July: Ichneumon sarcitorius
- 5 July: Syritta pipiens
Press releases:
- 27 July: Press release – Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire Moors
- 24 July: Press release – Rewilding Britain
- 22 July: Press release – Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire moors
- 20 July: Press release – Ban Bloodsports on Yorkshire’s Moors
- 20 July: Press release – RSPB response to George Eustice ‘environmental’ speech
- 18 July: BTO press release – Juliet Vickery to be new CEO
- 17 July: Press release – National Trust
- 9 July: Press release – Morecambe Bay Extinction Rebellion group
- 7 July: Press release – Zero bycatch by Hookpod
- 7 July: Press release – Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust
- 3 July: RSPB press release – Newts being used
- 1 July: Press release from GWCT
And it’s been another record month on this blog with the third highst ever number of pageviews in a month (131,479 this month with August 2016 still way out in front with 177686 and August 2019 in second place, 133203) which makes it the most-read July here. But also over 29,000 readers – the fifth-highest ever. ‘Ever’ in the context of this blog means since April 2011.

Fascinating and useful but your time may be more important Mark. You may have to become an employer!
I’m a regular reader and commenter, and an occasional guest blogger. I think it’s excellent. I like the variety which this list shows. It can sometimes be difficult to find older posts so anything which eases the process has to be good.
Great stuff Mark, however I am not sure people will have, or give time to read much of all the blogs. A summary at the end of the month of the latest situation on a just a few of the key topics would be useful.. However I am inclined to agree with Richard Ebbs that your time is very valuable and you are very effective. I would not over stretch yourself too much.
I am not sure that it is useful enough to be worth your effort. It is more likely to be useful if you did it for a longer stretch back in time but that would be an even more onerous task for you to organise. I would think it is more useful if every post could be tagged (at the time of posting, not retrospectively!) with one or more key-words – lead ammunition, ‘hen harrier’, ‘farming’ etc, such that people could more easily search for posts on particular themes (I seem to recall that some blogs were tagged as part of a thematic group – has this been discontinued? Walshaw Moor springs to mind).
Interesting I wonder if there is a strong link to any particular subject matter in all the highest months of this blog. However as others have said Mark if it is an imposition on your time we can manage without. I read the blog everyday and comment fairly frequently too, especially on Hen Harriers, Persecution and Grouse Moors.
Good stuff Mark.
Next up news must be Botham’s peerage – sat in the House of Lords, encouraging the continuation of raptor persecution.
ANDY – coming soon…
Hi Mark
a list of topics per month is definitely a good idea. I think there used to be a part of your blog site which had key categories of posts over on the right hand side of the menus.. but then your blogsite had a revamp (possibly by the owners of the format and not yourself) and it disappeared…..
But then, a summary per month leads to summarising per quarter and per year and the cataloguing spirals and it takes more time…….
Anything to do with illegal activities (and snaring, which of course should be illegal) by the big Estates is my interest. I had thought I had little to learn about this, but this blog has shown me otherwise, especially when it details the strange goings on in governement depts and NGO’s, which i would maybe not pick up on. I also like the distinctive voices of various commentors, bringing their different angles – showing how complex this country is politically, socially, culturally, etc. Keep it up please.
I agree with the comments already made. Probably not worth your time. I’ve already read the stuff that interests me.
I must say that although I sometimes don’t agree with you Mark, I find your blog and Private Eye two essential sources of information for knowing what’s really going on in areas that concern me. As far as the behavior of this government is concerned, I don’t think we’ve seen anything yet – lots of bad stuff ahead. A very important time for putting the truth in the public domain.
I think the monthly summary is potentially very useful (and illuminating), assuming that they were archived or collated as the months went by. It might help when trying to find historic posts that one wanted to reference, but which are difficult to locate using the search function – e.g. searching on ‘licence’ returns 66 pages and ‘natural england’ a mind boggling 203! – e.g. in locating your response to the nattily named ‘Patterns of satellite tagged hen harrier disappearances suggest widespread illegal killing on British grouse moors’ report (if I hadn’t already book-marked it). But as others have said, if it takes much of your time then you might decide that you can do better things that will achieve more or give you more pleasure …