In January 2018 Natural England issued a licence for brood meddling (some called it brood management) of Hen Harriers. I challenged the legality of this straight away (and RSPB did soon after) and was given permission to seek judicial review of the decision (as were the RSPB). We went to court in December 2018 and for another day in January 2019. In March 2019 we heard that we had lost our challenge and pretty rapidly decided to appeal the judgment. In October 2019 we were given leave to appeal (as were the RSPB) and the court dates were set for 17 and 18 March 2020. Unfortunately on the first day of the appeal one of the three Appeal Court judges was taken ill at lunchtime.
We have now heard that new dates have been set for our appeal which are 26 and 27 January, for one and a half days. That is more than three years after the licence was issued but … the fight goes on!
Is it a good omen I wonder that I’m 70 on 27th January, I certainly hope so!
Well done Wild Justice and RSPB. So good that you both keep fighting the corner for our wild life amid the Government and often the establishment’s support for those who like killing-our wildlife for fun.
Very best of luck in January.
Alan clearly you are left wing and talk of the establishment supporting those who like killing wildlife look closer to home. The Rspb have received a six million pound grant to kill every stoat on Orkney! The money is to exterminate the species not control it but to exterminate it. What are the self promoting loud mouths Mark Avery & Chris Packham doing to stop this Rsbp extermination program? Nothing as like you Alan they only use grouse shooting and Hen Harriers as a tool to further the left wing socialist political agenda.
Mike – yes I always thought that Alan was Jeremy Corbyn going under a pseudonym until I met him. And Orkney is not closer to home for Alan or many of the rest of us. And it’s not the RSPB getting the money is it? Apart from that, you may well be right about something one day.
Mike, you are clearly right wing and talk rubbish.
This is not a political agenda this about conservation and ecology, things you clearly know nothing about. Stoats are not native to Orkney, only appearing in 2010 and now compromising the fragile island ecology. You spout nonsense to further your
right wing environmental destructive political agenda.
As so often yet another ad hominem attack. Can the folks on your your side of the argument please try to erect a sound, evidence based argument? Just for once, please, pretty please. Otherwise it all gets rather tiresome.
The only thing he can erect… [Mark writes; now, now, Coop]
Apologies, Mark. The suggestion that anyone at all could find the individual in question remotely attractive is, of course, beyond the realms of fantasy. I willingly retract.
A superb post from Urticad. Using facts and focussing on the ecological aspect of this issue. You know when people come on here with nothing more to say than rant on about ‘lefties’ that they have no actual argument. Thank God there are people fighting for our environment.