Conservation and sustainability experts to highlight the need for optimism in an online celebratory festival. Celebrity speakers, leading conservationists and youth leaders are coming together to deliver stories of hope for our natural world in a free, open-to-all virtual event running from the 26 March to 4 April 2021. Led by the Cambridge Conservation Initiative,…
Ruckus near St Ives
A bit of a ruckus has kicked off in Cornwall over work being carried out at the hotel where the G7 summit is to be held in Cornwall in June. Is the hotel breaking planning regulations, have ancient trees been felled and are Badger setts affected? The G7 meeting is expected to coincide with the…
Just a Buzzard, and another, and he missed the third…
This is a Buzzard, just a Buzzard. The Buzzard is in some ways the least exciting of our birds of prey being less dashing than any of our falcons or Sparrowhawk, and less exciting than eagles, harriers, kites etc. But it’s a nice bird, circling around on thermals and looking for carrion or a range…
Press release – Thriving Hive study
Two weeks – 82,000 signatures
The joint NGO campaign to get a binding target for nature in the Environment Bill has raised over 82,000 signatures; 72,000 in Week 1 and 10,000 in Week 2. That may not sound great, but if you have been paying close attention, as I have, you’ll know that the first four days of the last…