Sunday book review – Ten Million Aliens by Simon Barnes

If you are a fan of Simon Barnes then you will love this book – it is essence of Barnes. If you love nature then you will probably love this book – it is essential reading for nature lovers. Quirky views, beautifully written, and dispensing fascinating facts every few sentences, this is a thoughtful celebration…

Chris Packham leaves Hawk and Owl Trust

It’s going to be an interesting trustees’ meeting next week for the Hawk and Owl Trust. Earlier this morning it emerged in a tweet from Chris Packham that he had resigned as the H&OT President. No reason was given, but we can be pretty sure that Chris’s move was not wholly unconnected with the stance…

Round up

These are just things that caught my eye: there has been at least one Blackcap in the garden for the last eight days. First it was a male, then a male and a female, then just the female, and yesterday one of each again. I haven’t seen two of the same sex at the same…

Guest blog – Snail Trail by James Harding-Morris

James Harding-Morris is a primary school teacher who currently works as the Schools’ Project Coordinator for the RSPB. Despite having no qualifications in conservation, ecology or similar, he persists in spending his days getting over-excited about wildlife and trying to encourage other people to feel the same. He can found on Twitter @UKSnailTrail.   I…