Guest blog – Snail Trail by James Harding-Morris

James Harding-Morris is a primary school teacher who currently works as the Schools’ Project Coordinator for the RSPB. Despite having no qualifications in conservation, ecology or similar, he persists in spending his days getting over-excited about wildlife and trying to encourage other people to feel the same. He can found on Twitter @UKSnailTrail.   I…

Defra take note!

Rare Bird Alert asked people, any people (but over 750 people), to express their views on whether they would support the Hawk and Owl Trust in taking part in a brood management trial. Do have a look at the selection of comments on the Rare Bird Alert website too. Only one in six people agree…

All’s white with the world

I was keen to have a look at my local patch, Stanwick Lakes, in yesterday’s snow. I’m like a big kid really – snow still makes me excited. Just like removing all the furniture from my living room on Monday made sounds echo in it, a covering of snow lying all over the ground and…

Help the Hawk and Owl Trust decide

Have the Hawk and Owl Trust got it right? They’d like to hear your views ahead of their trustee meeting and Rare Bird Alert has a poll to help gather those views. For blogs on which the Chair of Hawk and Owl Trust, Philip Merricks, has tried to explain his position click here;  yesterday, 23…


There is no stopping the Hawk and Owl Trust’s Chair, Philip Merricks, in his eagerness to tell us all how brilliant a brood management scheme is, and how popular it is, and how clever it is, and yet there is little start to him telling us what it is. We are told by Philip that…