Shuffling two packs

The Government changes In Defra, out go Richard Benyon and David Heath and in come George Eustice (Con, Camborne and Redruth) and Dan Rogerson (LibDem, North Cornwall). I always feel sorry for those who are required to move on because their Prime Minister needs to adjust the left/right balance, the male/female balance, the north/south balance…

RSPB AGM on Saturday

  The RSPB AGM is on Saturday morning in the QEII Centre (opposite Westminster Abbey). It is open to members – and the actual AGM (not nearly as dull as it might sound) is free.  

Now that the Party (Conference) is over…

Did you comb the speeches of the Party leaders, at their Party Conferences, for mentions of the environment? Nick Clegg did best – he said that it was the Liberal Democrats who were keeping the Government ‘green’ and had ‘saved’ Natural England from the axe. Nick Clegg didn’t mention ‘wildlife’ or ‘nature’ but he did…

Sunday Book Review – Birduder 344 by Rob Sawyer

This book takes us through Rob Sawyer’s life and the birds he has seen, missed and misidentified. The title refers to the fact that Sawyer regards himself as a cross between a ‘dude’ and a ‘birder’, and that his life list reached 344 species. I don’t know Sawyer but he comes across as a reasonable…

Saturday Cartoon by Ralph Underhill

Can you do me a favour please? I have just installed ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ buttons on this website (I’ve been trying for ages but now I have succeeded).  You should see them on every blog post and every comment made on each blog. Please use them, as the feedback is interesting and may influence the…