… but I suggest we pass on this one.

  This new e-petition which mentions grouse shooting is on the UK parliament website – I won’t be signing this one as I think it is badly timed and too broad.   But these two petitions are well worth signing: An independent study to find if driven grouse shooting is of economic benefit. End grouse…

Two good petitions…

There are three petitions going the rounds at the moment which refer to grouse shooting.   These two are well worthy of support in my opinion: A petition on the UK parliament website which calls for an independent study to assess the economic benefit of grouse shooting – proposed by Les Wallace (a frequent commenter…

Lots of satellite-tagged Hen Harriers

  These are some words from Inglorious (written in 2014), they are the imagined words of an ex-gamekeeper writing of the demise of driven grouse shotoing p253-54): ‘In the end, with all that satellite-tag stuff, you could hardly point your shotgun at a bird of prey without fearing it might be a tagged bird that…

Hen Harriers still in the news

Today’s Farming Today is worth a listen (8 minutes in). There is a conversation between the Moorland Association’s Amanda ‘If we let the Hen Harrier in, we will soon have nothing else‘ Anderson and the much more rational and consistent RSPB spokesperson, Cathleen Thomas. Amanda sticks to the nonsense about it being ‘the grouse shooters…