I’m reading Chris Packham’s book – out in May – Fingers in the Sparkle Jar. I hope to review it next week. But, wow!
Category: Book review
Sunday book review – Wild Kingdom by Stephen Moss
Britain’s wildlife is going down the pan, isn’t it? Yes, it is! But it isn’t all bad. In this personal account of the fate of our wildlife Stephen Moss visits a wide variety of places and habitats – and sees species on the up as well as on the down track. It’s an entertaining journey…
Sunday book review – Devon Bird Atlas by Stella Beavan and Mike Lock
I was talking in Devon on Wednesday evening – and very nice it was too! Devon is big – big and grassy. Seen by some as a place to get through in order to cross the Tamar into Cornwall, there are reasons to stay and explore. Devon has two coasts and more coastline than most…
Sunday book review – The Most Perfect Thing by Tim Birkhead
In this book Tim Birkhead has unscrambled the complexities of the biology of eggs with writing as smooth and rounded as an eggshell. As I sit writing this review I am listening to a dawn chorus dominated by Blackbird song, and I am thinking of the female Blackbird who is sitting on a nest containing…
Sunday book review – An Unreliable History of Tattoos by Paul Thomas
You might be wondering what a book with this title is doing on this website. Well spotted! This is a book which uses the wacky idea that historical characters were tattooed, to tell some jokes. Some of the jokes are ones which you might not want to tell your grandma or your children as they…