A funny thing happened yesterday – the #inglorious12th

Usually, on the first day of the Red Grouse shooting season, there are lots of photos of men in tweed ‘oop on t’moors, wi’ guns’ practising a peculiarly British unsporting sport. But yesterday the papers were practically devoid of such nonsense and what coverage there was seemed to carry news of the fact that grouse…

Why driven grouse shooting is doomed

I’m quite often asked whether I really want a ban on driven grouse shooting – I do! And then I’m sometimes told that ‘It’ll never happen’ and I say ‘It will’. This is why. Let’s start with the very obvious, but rarely stated, fact that driven grouse shooting is not essential. We don’t need it….

What some other papers say

In a long piece in the Daily Record on Saturday, Annie Brown (The true cost of grouse shooting) talks about the move to ban driven grouse shooting, and quotes me extensively. In the Glasgow Herald, there is a piece entitled ‘Calls mount for ban on grouse shooting‘ where an animal welfare charity, OneKind, formerly known…

What the Sunday papers say

We (I’m not sure exactly who ‘we’ is, but it certainly includes this blog and many of its readers, along with the RSPB, Chris Packham, BAWC, Raptor Persecution Scotland, Raptor Politics and others) have changed the way the media look at the opening of the grouse shooting season – the Inglorious 12th (this year on…

LUSH bath-bomb the criminals

This Hen Harrier bath bomb goes on sale today in Lush stores around the country – what fun. Named Skydancer – far from the madding guns, this liquorice-scented bath bomb will ‘disappear’ in your bath but fill it with a lovely aroma.  Just add water (not gamekeeper).  Remember that five male Hen Harriers disappeared from…