Statement from Bradford Council

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Regeneration, Planning and Transport, said in a statement from Bradford Council:“The lease for the Bingley Moor Partnership to grant shooting rights on Ilkley Moor expires in April 2018 and last night (Monday) Bradford Labour Group were not supportive of its renewal. “Our new Ilkley Moor Management Plan sets out…

Bye bye National Trust, Hello National Trust for Scotland!

I’ve just cancelled my National Trust membership and have signed up to the National Trust for Scotland. Let me explain why and you might find that it would suit you too. Or maybe it wouldn’t. The National Trust does quite a lot of good things but I’ve never felt very sympathetic to its philosophy. I…

Brood meddling in the Guardian

Patrick Barkham in the Guardian: Conservationists say government scheme, aimed at placating grouse moor land owners who object to the birds breeding on their land, will not boost numbers of the endangered birds. There’s a good quote from the RSPB but we are all wondering what the RSPB will actually do now. There’s a very…