Guest Blog – ‘Muzzled Watchdog’ to ‘Toothless Terrier’? by Helen Kirk

Helen Kirk has been described as ‘an indefatigable and tenacious environmental campaigner and amateur naturalist’.  For more than 30 years she has championed and helped safeguard the Humberhead peatlands, and the special plants and creatures that depend on them. She is the executive secretary of the Thorne and Hatfield Moors Conservation Forum and has recently…

Guest Blog – A Christmas Greeting for a Climate Sceptic Council Leader by Sarah Whitebread

Sarah Whitebread is an environmental campaigner and Lib Dem councillor from Cambridge.  She has an Mphil in Environmental Policy and works for an MP in Westminster. Cambridgeshire is currently being run by a climate sceptic.  Councillor Nick Clarke, leader of the County Council, declared on his blog a few months ago that “it is now clear…