Another unsatisfactory response from Defra

I met up with Sir John Randall MP earlier in the week for a chat about a range of issues – mostly about birds as Sir John is a keen birder. Yes, we covered Malta, Hen Harriers, the banning of driven grouse shooting and a range of other topics. We also talked about diclofenac use…

BBS second visit

I’m really quite fond of my Breeding Bird Survey square (I have two but there is one that I think of as ‘mine’ more than the other). It really doesn’t photograph that well – being a bog-standard bit of arable farmland – but still, I am fond of it. On Sunday morning I made my…

Second blog of the day

My first blog of the day is posted at 6am, so when I started producing a second blog each day, 6pm seemed to have a certain symmetry about it. I definitely use this second blog of the day in a slightly different way – it’s usually less contentious, less hard-hitting and sometimes produces updates etc…


I recently received this letter from the British High Commission in Malta after emailing them to ask them, what they were doing on my behalf to make my feelings about illegal spring hunting clear to the Maltese government.   Dear Dr Avery, Thank you for your email about the hunting of wild birds in Malta….

Oscar Dewhurst – Fox

Oscar writes:  I took this at the start of 2013 when we had snow in London. Luckily it fell on a weekend so I could spend all my time trying to find the foxes to photograph. On this morning it took me a couple of hours before I came across one, but after that it…