BBC Wildlife – I have a small grouse

BBC Wildlife is a pretty good magazine, but I have a bit of a grouse with them. In the current issue (May – a lion on the cover) there is an article on Hen Harriers (to which I shall return more fully later today) in which I am quoted (as is Tim Baynes of Scottish…


I’ve been in Wales for a few days on a ‘secret mission’. If this post appears it means I haven’t had time to write a second blog for today. I hope I have seen some Hen Harriers… …and some Pied Flys, Redstarts and Wood Warblers. But mostly Hen Harriers…

EU elections here I come – voting Green

It’s two weeks until the EU elections take place in the UK (and in the rest of the EU over the next few days). Will you vote Lib Dem, Labour, Conservative, UKIP or the Greens? The EU manifestos are a bit of a laugh – clearly none of the political parties is taking us, the…

A new video on vultures and diclofenac

I’ve touched on the vulture/diclofenac story here before – and asked you to express your opinion that this veterinary drug needs to be banned from use in the EU anywhere it might kill vultures. Here is a new video from the Vulture Conservation Foundation and BirdLife International. Once you get past the very irritating American…