Failed twitch

You won’t catch me chasing after rare birds very often. I got that out of my system years ago. For me to leap in the car to see a bird it has to meet some strict criteria: not too far away, a bird I really want to see, and a bird I will enjoy seeing…

The call of the BBS

I survey two squares for the BTO/JNCC/RSPB Breeding Bird Survey, and for my own interest, and for you. I made the first visit to each of them for 2014 over the weekend. The first of ‘my’ squares is one that I have surveyed for the past nine years.   It’s a one-kilometre square of farmland near…

Oscar Dewhurst – Dusky Titi

  Oscar writes: One of the primates I’ve seen most often here in Peru is the Dusky Titi monkey; in fact on several mornings they wake me up! They are seen fairly regularly in the buildings around the stations where photography is a little easier in the forest due to more light and fewer obstructions!…

What did politicians offer?

I have a column in the current British Wildlife magazine about the relevance of the EU elections on 22 May, the Scottish independence vote in September and the next UK general election (just over a year away) to our wildlife.  In it I also set out 20 policies that might get my vote in the…