On Monday I am taking part in a discussion as part of Biology Week where we will discuss whether we should bother saving the panda. Looks like fun and I hope to see you there. Saturdays are cartoon days on this blog and feature the work of talented cartoonist Ralph Underhill.
Category: Uncategorized
Plastic environmentalism
The Conference speech by the new Defra Secretary of State, Owen Paterson, will have been like discordant music to the ears of the environment movement. It would be very difficult to find many working in the environment who think that the EU is perfect but it would be almost impossible to find people who think…
Golden opportunity for the RSPB
The RSPB’s annual report on people being nasty to birds for 2011 is now published. It tells the usual sorry tale of wildlife crime illustrated with depressing images of trapped, poisoned and shot birds. The report highlights the Law Commission’s review of species legislation as the golden opportunity to improve protection for birds of prey…
AGMs are often soul-less affairs – not so with that of the RSPB which was held yesterday in London’s QEII Conference Centre. This day in the past was a working day for me, and quite a stressful one too, as the period in the morning where you have to think on your feet and answer…
Ralph Underhill cartoon – 3
Each Saturday the Standing up for Nature blog features the work of talented cartoonist Ralph Underhill. Feel free to comment and to suggest future subjects for Ralph’s pen.