Brexit – an environmental recap

Today is the latest, and not the last, in a series of momentous parliamentary days in shaping how, or perhaps if, we are leaving the EU. A no-deal Brexit in 59 days’ time (at 11pm on my birthday – I resent that choice of date) will be a disaster for our environment. It will be…

Prospect press release – Natural England

Prospect report shows England’s natural heritage at risk from funding cuts Almost a decade of real-term pay cuts, and four consecutive years of funding cuts, coupled with the impact of Brexit, are putting England’s natural heritage at risk. That is the finding of a report by Prospect into Natural England which shows that the agency…

Edging closer to 10,000 signatures

Les Wallace’s epetition calling for an economic study of grouse shooting is close to 9,500 signatures. When, I think we can say ‘when’ not ‘if’ now, it gets to 10,000 signatures then it will trigger an inadequate response from Defra. I’ll look forward to reading that in due course. The map of signatures shows the…

Gilruth/Gregory – mostly ignored but an RSPB response.

Following this morning’s blog about the depths to which GWCT have slipped, I can’t find much coverage of the said press release (hardly surprising is it?). Have you spotted any? There is this one article which more or less republished the original press release and a feisty quote from Martin Harper… This is another sadly…