Edging closer to 10,000 signatures

Les Wallace’s epetition calling for an economic study of grouse shooting is close to 9,500 signatures. When, I think we can say ‘when’ not ‘if’ now, it gets to 10,000 signatures then it will trigger an inadequate response from Defra. I’ll look forward to reading that in due course. The map of signatures shows the…

Gilruth/Gregory – mostly ignored but an RSPB response.

Following this morning’s blog about the depths to which GWCT have slipped, I can’t find much coverage of the said press release (hardly surprising is it?). Have you spotted any? There is this one article which more or less republished the original press release and a feisty quote from Martin Harper… This is another sadly…

Inside Out and Upside Down

The BBC are going to feature a scheme which feeds game to the hungry and needy in the East of England this evening (19:30 broadcast). I wonder whether they will ask questions about the lead levels in the game that is provided? Will they point out that a major food provider, Fareshare, refused lead-shot game…

Looking good for Les Wallace – petition nears 10,000 signatures

It’s looking good for Les Wallace’s epetition calling for a proper economic study of the costs and benefits of driven grouse shooting – but there’s still some way to go. Another 700 signatures will mean that Defra has to respond to this epetition. My guess is that they will say ‘no’ because the last thing…

NE news

I hear that staff morale under the new interim Natural England CEO, Marian Spain, is rising. That’s good to hear. It might rise a little more if the report in Saturday’s The Times, that Tony Juniper might be NE’s new Chair, is true. It’s a difficult job but Tony might well be the person to…