English Winter Bird Survey

I’ve done a couple of visits to my regular BBS squares in order to collect information on wintering farmland birds for a survey funded by Natural England and Defra. Here are some of the highs and lows so far. Doing a bird survey is a good way to start the new year and that’s what…

Paul Leyland – fruit fly

Paul writes: I found this tiny fly on a Tansy flower growing along the field path next to my house in North Yorkshire. It is only about 4mm long, not including the ovipositor, so I really needed a photograph to fully appreciate it. This picture shows how colourful and beautifully marked even the smallest insect…

Sunday quotes

I think I’ll start a series of posts of quotes relevant to campaigning, nature or just meaningful to me. Here’s the first one, which I use a lot – I last used it in a talk on Friday evening. Studio of Joshua Reynolds – National Portrait Gallery The only thing necessary for the triumph of…

Tim Melling – Golden Snub-nosed Monkey

Tim writes: The golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) is only found in China and is classified as endangered.  It is found in forests at high altitude (1500-3400m) and feeds largely on lichens that grow on dead trees, but also on fresh leaves, buds and flowers.  They occur in groups that range over a very wide…