Tim Melling – Bluethroat

I think that Bluethroat is Europe’s most beautiful songbird. The throat looks  colourful enough to be a Christmas tree decoration and the copper triangles on its tail sides are exquisite.  Its scientific name Luscinia svecica translates as Swedish Nightingale and it was in northern Sweden where I photographed this stunning male.  There are two main…

Does it work for you?

There’s a little box next to this blog which allows you to enter your email address and you will be sent an email each time a blog is posted here.  Except, several of you have now told me that it isn’t working very well. And now you’ve pointed it out, I’ve noticed it isn’t working…

Gordon Yates – Long-eared Owls

Gordon writes: Long Eared Owls are the most nocturnal of all our Owls and seldom hunt in daylight. There are only a couple of weeks, at this time of year, when the adults are forced to hunt in daylight to feed their fledged young. Last week I was privileged enough to photograph a pair of…

Jeremy Corbyn is a goal hanger.

I heard the phrase used on the radio (it must have been Radio 4) a while ago; ‘Jeremy Corbyn is a goal hanger’.  It took me right back to my youth, and teenage games of football played in farmers’ fields where the goalposts were piles of jumpers, the boundaries of the playing surface were as…