Red Kites in March

I’m keeping a note of whether I see Red Kites on each day through the year – in March the tally has been 26  days out of 31.   January:  22 days out of 31. February:  24 days out of 28. That makes 72 out of 90 overall.  That’s an even higher strike rate than…

Guy Shorrock – White-necked Picathartes

  Back in 2006 I had the opportunity to do an RSPB sabbatical colleagues to assist with some bird surveys in the Gola rainforest in Sierra Leone, West Africa.  This is the largest remnant of Upper Guinean Tropical Rainforest left in Sierra Leone.  It covers nearly 700 square kilometres with more than 330 bird species,…


Thank you to everyone for your birthday wishes yesterday for me and my binoculars – we were together all day and had a good day’s birding at Titchwell RSPB reserve in Norfolk where the sun shone for all of our visit. In these days of social media I found I have birthday wishes arriving from…