Banking on wildlife

I went to the bank the other day, which entails a car journey, and I was hoping to see a Bittern at a local nature reserve a few miles further on. I was only a hundred yards or so from home when I stopped at a T-junction and looked right; there was no traffic but…

You love @cartoonralph!

I’m glad I can predict the results of some votes, as my recent track record (EU referendum, general election) hasn’t been great. Ralph Underhill has been producing cartoons for this blog for over four years – weekly with hardly a break! I’m very grateful to him, and it seems that you are too.  Half of…

Campaign updates

Les Wallace’s petition asking for a review of the economics of grouse shooting in Scotland closed last night with a rush of late signatures (total 1256). The Scottish government is moving in this direction already and so this petition was pushing against an open door but it will have reinforced the need for independent information…

Response from my MP

I am grateful to my MP, Tom Pursglove, for his responses to my letters to him.  Last week I received a response to my recent letters to him about environmental protection post-Brexit, the lobbying act and fox hunting. On fox hunting, we now know that this issue is unlikely to arise in this parliament but…

Does your CEO tweet (2)?

Back in April 2015 I listed some CEOs of wildlife organisations who were on Twitter and their number of tweets and number of followers.  It was really just out of interest.  And in the same vein here is an update. David Nussbaum has moved on from WWF and is now CEO of ‘The Elders’. Martin…