Guest Blog – Monitoring by Prof Tim Birkhead FRS

I am a professor of Zoology at the University of Sheffield and a life-longer birder. I study reproduction – mainly infidelity in birds – and have kept a study of guillemots on Skomer Island going since the 1970s. I’m passionate about research and teaching undergraduates; I also enjoy communicating science to the public and have…

Not about birds at all.

This blog is not about birds, nature conservation, politics or any of the usual subjects. The lady picture above died 96 years ago today and was named Lucy Jane Saint. She was my mum’s aunt – although she died eight years before my mother was born. My Great Aunt, known to her family as ‘Jinny’,…


This is the first time for years and years the RSPB AGM has been held away from London (and it’s back in London next year). The ICC in Birmingham was a short walk from New Street station and a perfectly good venue. As I arrived I remembered that I had been here before – for…

Oscar Dewhurst – Stonechat

Oscar writes:  While in Richmond Park one morning I came across a group of Stonechats moving through the bracken. With a bit of patience, one landed close to me, allowing me to get this image of it. Nikon D800, Nikon 600mm f4 AFS-II, Nikon 1.4x TC