Lush cosmetics launch national Hen Harrier Day campaign

Hen Harriers come to the High Street thanks to Lush cosmetics. This week all Lush shops will have posters similar to that pictured above. The staff are briefed and customers will be asked to show their support for Hen Harriers in a variety of ways: sign our e-petition, send a postcard to HM The Queen…

Guest Blog – silence of the guns by Rob Yorke

Rob Yorke (@blackgull) is a hunter naturalist and rural commentator based in the Black Mountains of South Wales. He carries, at times, both a gun and binoculars and outlines below a possible scenario set in northern England after a ban on driven grouse shooting has been in force for a number of years. The characters…

To all green blobs out there

It’s two and a half weeks since Owen Paterson went out with a rant about the Green Blob. It was a fairly remarkable outburst at the time and re-reading it hardly lessens the impact. Paterson’s hatred, for so it seems, for those who devote their lives to the environment is quite shocking.  It’s also shocking…

Hen Harrier Day

I apologise for the late posting of this little note but I have been collecting my Hen Harrier Day T-shirt. This time next week it will all be over. We’ll be becalmed in the day between ‘Hen Harrier Day’ and the ‘Inglorious 12th’. I have bought and tested a megaphone – it works! There aren’t…