Natural England – you need to look in the mirror

Our latest victory to protect moorland habitat was a victory against Natural England, the government agency and regulator whose job it is to protect such habitats. Just read that sentence again. The government agency which we pay to protect the environment has been forced, eventually, to do the right thing because of a legal challenge…

2018 – another terrible year for grouse shooters

Grouse shooting is still with us but its supporters must be counting the years. The ratchet of progress is irresistible and driven grouse shooting is doomed. 2018 brought its demise a bit closer and so will 2019. I’m looking forward to 2019. 2018 was the year when: there were very few Red Grouse available for…

How many would you think?

I care deeply about the performance of Natural England – the government agency which is supposed to act in nature’s interests. That’s why I am taking a judicial review against their decision to license brood meddling (see here – we had two days in court last week but we need another day and we are…

Smoke and mirrors from Defra/NE

This post exposes the worthlessness of Defra’s/NE’s formal agreements with grouse moor managers in the matter of burning of vegetation of blanket bogs. Introduction: Grouse moor managers want to burn our uplands to blazes in order to maximise the habitat quality for Red Grouse – the shooting of which can be sold at high prices…

In a week’s time – how will I feel?

In a week’s time our judicial review hearing will be over and we will be guessing what the judge made of it. At the moment we are guessing who the judge will be and we may not hear until the day before the hearing. We are also guessing as to exactly the format of the…