In a week’s time – how will I feel?

In a week’s time our judicial review hearing will be over and we will be guessing what the judge made of it.

At the moment we are guessing who the judge will be and we may not hear until the day before the hearing.

We are also guessing as to exactly the format of the two days but it seems likely that the RSPB will kick off proceedings.

An informed guess about the weather suggests that it might rain a bit.

And we are guessing over when the judge will give her or his decision – before Christmas? Early in the New Year? Not so early in the new year?

But whatever happens – it has been worth all the time, some money and quite a lot of emotional involvement.  Challenging the state and its agencies seems to be a thing that we will have to do more of in the future (see incidentally this book review) and remember, ‘we’ are already 1-0 up.


6 Replies to “In a week’s time – how will I feel?”

  1. If you don’t know who the judge will be yet, then how can anyone audit their recreational, social, and political activities to see if they have a conflict of interest with the shooting industry? No wonder things always seem to end with a “one law for them” stitch-up.

  2. I am also left guessing which court the case will be held in and the kick off time.
    Tried to find the answers online but so far failed. Have you been told yet Mark?

  3. Wishing you and the RSPB all the very best, that justice is served remains to be seen but it will not be for the lack of effort on your part and for that, thank you for continuing your indefatigable “Fighting for Birds”.

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