Open letter to Marc Bolland of M&S

Dear Marc Congratulations on your increased profits and increased share price!  It can’t all be due to customers flocking back to you after your decision not to sell grouse meat last year, but I have certainly been doing my bit to increase your profits. Your wise decision not to sell grouse meat in your stores,…

GWCT know the Rules?

Teresa Dent CEO GWCT   Dear Teresa I hope you are well. It seems most odd writing to you, down in Fordingbridge, about the menu of London’s oldest restaurant but, as you may have seen, it was their idea not mine. So, as you are the chosen champion of Rules restaurant, could you please comment…


Inglorious: conflict in the uplands will be available for Hen Harrier Day (9 August), the Inglorious 12th and thereafter. Published by Bloomsbury in late July – but you can order it now on World Book Day.    

BASC wriggling, G(W)CT silent. How interesting.

BASC are wriggling on lead. Their previous Chief Exec appears to be in favour of a lead-free future, on the basis of the evidence. So BASC is preparing to disparage and demean their long-serving and much-respected former Chief Exec, it seems. I cannot understand why BASC is so against a ban on lead ammunition –…

A lead-free future

If you know anything about the evidence for harm from lead ammunition, and know anything about how many other countries have switched to non-toxic ammunition, then it is difficult to imagine how the ‘Lead Ammunition Group‘ could possibly do anything other than opt for a lead-free future. Parts of a single email released under FoI…