3 Replies to “The Woodland Trust discovers cuddly mammals”

  1. “Her Woodland Home is in Danger!”
    Hello Woodland Trust! Your only a decade late!!!!

  2. I’m a member of the WT and although I have to admit they have been extremely supportive of the work we’ve done locally in deprived areas, their sponsorship deals leave a lot to be desired. Recently I emailed them to complain that they were involved in a questionable deal with a company making non recycled toilet paper, in fact I think it was the fact that virgin fibre was being used that made them keen to support the WT re bit of greenwashing. Plantation forestry doesn’t do biodiversity any favours even when it’s FSC registered so using ‘new’ paper when recycled was available is very poor from an environmental standpoint. I never got a reply. The WT has also been rather cosy with a bottled water supplier north of the border. Not only a ludicrous product, but if some of the savings from not using it could be redirected towards conservation could raise substantially more than one of these deals. This latest ploy using a fluffy animal to me comes over as a bit condescending.

  3. Would be interested to see what’s in the letter inside – what’s WT’s answer to save the doormice and it’s woodland home? Protecting existing sites or more tree planting?

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