Watch this

  I was contacted by Awemix Watches about their Time to Care scheme.  They wanted to send me a watch to help promote their scheme where 20% of the sale price goes to good causes – which are currently Breast Cancer and Wildlife and Conservation.  The chosen charities change every now and again but are…

Wild food (6) – Puffins by Ian Carter

I’ve not eaten this species as yet but that’s partly through lack of opportunity. I’ve yet to visit Iceland where they are often on the menu and are, apparently, readily available in supermarkets. It’s interesting that the idea of eating this bird instils horror in people who might be happy enough to eat duck or…

Reply on lead ammunition from Therese Coffey

I wrote to my MP on the subject of lead ammunition back in August. I’m grateful to my MP, Tom Pursglove, for forwarding my letter to Defra and now for sending me the following reply from the Parliamentary Under Secretary, Therese Coffey, as follows;   My response to Mr Pursglove is already on its way…