Hare today, goner tomorrow!

The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust is helping with a survey of Mountain Hares.

They’ve got the science to tackle a job like this.

To see a shocking video of Mountain Hare ‘management’ see here.







6 Replies to “Hare today, goner tomorrow!”

  1. I suppose that they have but al we really need is to know how many and for the bloody numbwits that kill them “en masse” to desist

    1. Keith – surely not! How can you say that when it has Andrew Gilruth speaking truth to power?

  2. With the slaying of mountain hares and hen harries just to enhance money from grouse moors I am reminded of an Ancient Greek quotation, “ tame the savagery of man and make gentle the life of this world”. The campaign to ban driven grouse shooting and all the excesses it brings with it, is represented very well by this quotation.

  3. Interesting to see them carrying out this exercise again. If nothing else it will help justify their action. Will they use the SNH/James Hutton methodology?

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