Red Kites in August

I’m keeping a note of whether I see Red Kites on each day through the year – the August tally was a rather low 16 days out of 31 .

January: 22 days out of 31.

February: 24 days out of 28.

March: 26 days out of 31.

April: 20 days out of 30.

May: 7 days out of 31

June: 0 days out of 30 (there are no Red Kites in North America!)

July: 14 days out of 31

That makes 129 out of 243 overall.


5 Replies to “Red Kites in August”

  1. Currently I am seeing at least four kites everyday especially first thing in a morning when I take the dog out for a walk around 08:00. On Saturday one of the birds I saw was not one of the “regulars” for it was leucistic a stunning mixture of creams and buffs with pale brown wing tips. It had no moult so I suspect it was a young bird, adults here are still moulting outer primaries. The regulars are two adults and two young birds all I suspect are one family.

  2. The lower numbers during summer probably suggests a more sedentary behaviour during the breeding season.

  3. Two sightings for me, both local, were good, and probably reflecting post breeding dispersal.
    Others from a possible 21 days for me in a decreasing scale, BZ 21, K 17 & OP 17, HH 13, EA 8, SH 5, PE 4, GI 3, ML 1 & HZ 1. First month of the year without a WE.

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