Signatures for banning driven grouse shooting

                        These are the maps of signatures for ‘my’ e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting (closed September 2016, LEFT) and Gavin Gamble’s e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting (closed Monday this week, 2 April, RIGHT).  Unfortunately the shading isn’t on the same scale (and…

Those 48,166 (now 48,173) signatures

The analyses presented here (provided by ‘a reader’ – to whom many thanks) resemble closely those generated last time.  They show that rural constituencies (England only was analysed) are stronger supporters of banning driven grouse shooting than are urban constituencies (with mixed urban/rural constituencies in the middle)(top graph). We’re used to this – but it…

First bus is in the garage

It seemed back before Christmas that e-petitions about grouse shooting were a bit like buses – you don’t even see one for ages and then three come along together. Well, the first bus, Gavin Gamble’s e-petition is now parked in the garage. That means that the focus passes to the Jane Griggs pro-shooting e-petition which…

Congratulations Paul Fisher!

Regular commenter on this blog Paul Fisher was the closest guess/estimate of the closing number of signatures for Gavin Gamble’s e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting which reached 48,123 (plus any remaining clicks on confirmation emails) signatures last night. I’ll be sending Paul a signed copy of Remarkable Birds in the next few days. Thank…

Gavin Gamble’s e-petition 48,090 signatures

Congratulations to Gavin Gamble! 48,090 signatures is a massive total however you look at it (and the total will creep up a little as people click on their confirmation emails this morning). We haven’t gone away – the campaign to end driven grouse shooting continues. And thank you to all those who promoted and supported…