Simon is a keen conservationist, wildlife photographer and naturalist. He currently works for the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust and is also an active member of A Focus On Nature (AFON). He spends much of his free time out on nature reserves around the country watching and photographing any wildlife that he can find. All the views…
Category: Guest blog
Guest Blog – Top ten tips for getting a job in conservation by Nick Askew
Nick Askew has 15 years’ experience working in wildlife conservation in the UK and internationally. He runs Conservation Careers which is a social enterprise helping job seekers and conservation organisations to form lasting relationships. His website lists careers advice and job vacancies from within the world of wildlife conservation, and provides an opportunity for job-seekers…
Guest blogs
I’m always on the look out for Guest Blogs on subjects that are relevant to nature conservation. Advice to people submitting a blog to this website: get in touch before submitting your blog so that we can discuss it any blog should be of interest to readers of this blog and of an environmental bent…
Guest Blog by Andy Atkins – Seeing without looking: the joy of abundant nature
Andy Atkins, executive director, Friends of the Earth Andy has been a key player in campaigning and research for human rights and development NGOs including the Chile Committee for Human Rights, CAFOD and CIIR (now Progressio). While at CIIR Andy established a ground breaking programme of work on the developmental implications of the illegal drugs…
Guest Blog – Guests at Nature’s Table by Findlay Wilde
My name is Findlay Wilde, you might remember me from the last guest blog I did for Mark about my concerns for the future of our fabulous, but endangered, wildlife and habitats. And now I am back to write my second blog. A lot has changed in a year and I have now started High…