Occupy the butts!

Henry and I were having a chat in a grouse butt in Perthshire the other day…as you do. A few minutes after this photograph was taken a lady passed us in a car with a Scottish Gamekeepers’ Association sticker on it. That reminds me – we must call in on them soon. But Henry and…

What’s that noise Henry?

Did you hear a loud bang Henry? Maybe it was a gas gun? You need to read this on Raptor Persecution Scotland.     #HaveYouSeenHenry?   Keep in touch with Hen Harrier Day events through this website.

The media coverage of the Hen Harrier today

As predicted in my morning blog, the plight of the Hen Harrier has been given plenty of publicity in the coverage of the results of the national bird vote (won by the Robin).  These are two examples that were easy to find – there will be others, no doubt. The Guardian quotes David Lindo and…

A great victory for the Hen Harrier

The Hen Harrier came a glorious ninth in the poll for our national bird – left fluttering in the wake of the Robin and a host of other species, but edging ahead of the Puffin (which must be gutted!).  It’s enough to set us all off on a sky-dance! It was remarkable that the Hen…

Get your Hen Harrier Day news here!

This new website is where you should go to find out about what is happening on Hen Harrier Day, 9 August 2015. And if you are preparing an event yourself – and why not? – let the guys at Birders Against Wildlife Crime know and they’ll help advertise it for you. You’ll see that an…