Being open

Members of the ‘Sodden 570’ at last year’s Hen Harrier Day event in the Upper Derwent Valley will recognise this area  – we were getting soaked just off the left hand (western) side of the map on 10 August last year. The Countryside and Rights of Way Act provided open access to open ground (in…

Skydancer film

Henry says ‘Here is a link to the excellent Hen Harrier film made by the Haltwistle Film Project as part of the RSPB Skydancer project.  Look at it and see what all the fuss is about… …and then vote for me, the Hen Harrier in the national bird vote please.‘.  

Open letter to Marc Bolland of M&S

Dear Marc Congratulations on your increased profits and increased share price!  It can’t all be due to customers flocking back to you after your decision not to sell grouse meat last year, but I have certainly been doing my bit to increase your profits. Your wise decision not to sell grouse meat in your stores,…

Planning for Hen Harrier Day 2015

Earlier this week, in a secret location (so secret I almost couldn’t find it) a group of people met to talk about Hen Harrier Day 2015. Much will be revealed at the Birders Against Wildlife Crime Conference in Buxton on the first day of spring (it’s full – no places left). BAWC will be organising…

Hen Harrier Day – 9 August 2015

I think I know what will be at least one focus for Hen Harrier Day 2015 so please ‘save the day’ as they say. There is a long way to go before that sunny Sunday before the opening of the grouse shooting season but we have the beginnings of a plan… The full plan will…