League Against Cruel Sports press release

Parliamentary debate expected as surge in petition signatures to ban driven grouse shooting reaches magic 100,000 Support for a total ban on driven grouse shooting has rocketed with a key petition achieving the 100,000 signatures needed to trigger a debate in Parliament. As the grouse shooting season opens, support for the e-petition – set up…


We did it – 100,000 of us (so far). Thank you! I hope someone has a screen grab I can add here later (above – although it went past in a blur and I’ve been sent several slightly photoshopped ones like the above – thank you) but now I’m off to get a train home…

Our St Crispins Day

It feels a bit like the eve of a mighty victory. At the battle of Agincourt, the English and Welsh plebeian archers (plebs – the common people, not a perjorative term) gave a metaphorical and actual two fingers to the toffs (a mildly derogatory term for the landed gentry but actually merely a term for…

Guardian gets it right

Experienced journalist John Vidal calls it right in the Guardian on the attacks on Chris Packham by YFTB. ‘Adding to the shooters’ pain is a parliamentary e-petition that has more than 89,000 signatures calling for an end to the sport. Not since foxhunting with dogs was threatened with legislation in the 1990s has a country…