Guest blogs

I’m grateful to the growing number of people who have posted Guest Blogs on this site.

So far, the following have occurred:

‘Mr White’ on the demise of the RSPB’s Mark Avery

Peter Marren on the state of wildlife NGOs, statutory agencies and more.

Ian Coghill on the work of the GWCT

David Bullock on the National Trust’s conservation credentials

Peter Watson on the Deer Initiative

Mark Infield on feeling for nature

Simon Pryor on events in the Peak District

Matthew Chatfield on maerl – what is that?

Gary Burgess on pigeons (and raptors)

You can add your name to that list, and your thoughts to this blog, if youhave something interesting and reasonably polite to say about nature conservation issues.  Just get in touch either by posting a comment on a blog marked INFO or by emailing me

I tend not to comment on Guest Blogs as it seems a bit off for the ‘host’ to criticise a guest and clearly that means that I can’t praise them either.  So submitting a Guest Blog is a way to shut me up in the short term too.


2 Replies to “Guest blogs”

  1. Find Mark I am probably as confused as I have ever been.
    Admire the fact that you have someone Gary who lets politely say really dislikes you.He seems from what I can find out generally wanting a compromise and against the extremists in his group who want to take things into their own hands but then when he gets comments he must have expected does not thank you but dislikes you even more.
    A comedy really.

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