Do you say ‘Ban driven grouse shooting’?

Over the past week I have featured quotes from a couple of dozen people who have made their feelings clear that they want to see driven grouse shooting banned.

Here are the links to what they said:

Mark Cocker, Alan Davies, Jeremy Deller, Jon Dunn, Dominic Dyer, Brian Egan, Peter Egan,  Harry Huyton, Ceri Levy,  Gill Lewis, David Lindo, Chris Luffingham, Kerry McCarthy MP, Nick Miles, Ruth Miller, Dominic Mitchell, George Monbiot, Charlie Moores, Chris Packham, Ruth Peacey, Terry Pickford, Ralph Steadman, Alan Stewart, Paul Thomas, Iolo Williams, Chris Williamson MP.

They all say ‘Ban driven grouse shooting! Please sign this e-petition calling for that to happen’.

But what do you say?  If you’d like to send me a photo of yourself (and/or some artwork) and a quote about why you’d like to see driven grouse shooting banned then I’ll publish a selection of them next week.  Send to [email protected] . Let’s see what you can come up with!



1 Reply to “Do you say ‘Ban driven grouse shooting’?”

  1. In common with the majority of the population I have never seen a hen harrier, sadly I don’t suppose I ever will if the grose shooting industry isn’t banned.

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