20 years of Student Conference on Conservation Science at Cambridge

Yesterday I spent some time at the Student Conference on Conservation Science at Cambridge. It started yesterday in the lecture theatre in which I had many of my first year undergraduate lectures 42 years ago. Nice to see the lecture theatre has had a lick of paint since then.

I think I was wheeled out because some say that this conference was my idea – it might have been, I really can’t remember. But in any case I certainly haven’t had any more to do with it than have a vaguely good idea a long time ago. The many organisers, of whom I happen to know most obviously include Rosie Trevelyan, Andrew Balmford, Shireen and Rhys Green (but there will be many others) deserve all the credit for getting the conference up and running and keeping it up there now for 20 years.

A room full of nearly 200 young conservation scientists from over 50 countries is a cheerful and cheering sight.

And I had the pleasure of introducing my friend and colleague Rhys Green who gave the opening talk of the conference – one of the best conservation scientists I’ve ever had the privilege to work with.

Today those students are having more talks but also an immense treat – a Q&A with Sir David Attenborough – worth coming from near and far just for that, I’d say.
