2 Replies to “So much to say”

  1. It drives you insane, anything that effects their profits has to go! I’ve just got back from a meeting of our local Wildlife Trust, we’ve trying to decide where to spend the money that people have have raised by giving up many hours of their own time. Then you get these greedy landowners that are destroying our wildlife for profit, shame on them.

  2. I assume the leaflet is some kind of a sick joke, mountain Hares are a legal game species and as such deserve respect from everyone involved with fieldsports, the sad thing is they are now being treated as “VERMIN” on Grouse moors, this is totally against what the game and conservancy trust or is that the game and wildlife trust stands for, surely they are there to protect game species? It would be interesting to know the position of this organisation on the mountain Hare just to be clear that this charity “hasn’t forgot the game“!
    Whilst questioning the position of the GCT/GWCT? it was sad to see Andrew Gilruth’s response on the Countryfile’s website, how poor was his answer to the question “Is it time for new laws in England and Wales to hold landowners responsible for raptor persecution by their employees?” Andrew stated
    “We do know how many gamekeepers employed on grouse moors were prosecuted for offences involving wild birds” “The average annual number of prosecutions over the last decade? Less than two.”

    Andrew, 27 Gamekeepers have been prosecuted in the last four years for a variety of offences, (names and criminal charges can be seen on the raptor persecution Scotland website under the heading “last nights country file”) the majority involving the possession of, or use of “banned” chemicals or “illegal” traps intended to kill Raptors, the act of catching the Gamekeeper actually setting or using these traps/ poisons is extremely rare, the figure you quote and your statement of two incidents per year is a pathetic distortion of the true facts!

    “ For years, reported incidents of wildlife crime have been falling twice as fast as the national crime rate.”

    Isn’t the real truth in fact poisoning incidents have risen over the last two years and will rise again next year given the fact that the Ross-shire massacre will only be included then. Again a poor distortion of facts

    “Just look at Scotland – in 2011, after years of campaigning, they passed new laws. The police have not made a single prosecution”

    Two cases of Vicarious liability against Land owners are in process at present in Scotland, there would be more if this were extended to England and Wales!

    Its very sad when the representative of an organisation has to resort to twisting statistics to suit his argument, especially when he seems to be sticking up for all that is wrong in that sport at the expense or regard for those who do good! Andrew isn’t it time you stood down and made way for someone who has Game and wildlife protection really at heart and who is not just solely interested in Grouse numbers

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