Guest blogs 1

This post is primarily designed for people who want to write Guest Blogs about some aspect of the natural world for this site. The blog is called Standing up for Nature and that gives you a clue about its focus.

I am very happy to consider Guest Blogs for this site from individuals or from organisations.  You can either contact me on to discuss your idea or just send something in and I promise I’ll look at it, but I can’t promise I will publish it. Having said that, rather few submissions have been rejected.

Here are some guidelines:

  • length – there is no minimum or maximum word limit
  • format – send as a .doc or docx file
  • hyperlinks – include in the Word text
  • images – send as .jpg or .png (DO NOT embed in the text (please)) and confirm that you have the right to publish these images
  • who you are – include an image of yourself, the author
  • who you are – include a few sentences about yourself
  • who you are – tell me your Twitter handle if you have one, please
  • topics – whatever you like which fits into the general thrust of this blog which has a primarily UK (and primarily English) audience. You don’t have to agree with me, in fact a variety of views is perfectly acceptable.
  • tone – don’t be rude about others (you can be a bit rude about me), and don’t libel anyone.
  • interact with comments made on your blog – it’s really nice if Guest Bloggers interact with the comments made – not essential but nice.
  • you must be prepared for what you send me to be published – read it through, correct the typos, get it right. I won’t necessarily update your blog just because you sent it in too soon and too unchecked.

Here are some examples of Guest Blogs over the last few years which illustrate the variety of approaches, authors and styles:

Bag charge by Janice Hume

Otters by Kevin Parr

Remember not to forget by filbert cobb

We forgot to tell the fish by Carrie Hume

Britain’s bees are under threat by Andrew Pendleton

Think 500 years ahead by Findlay Wilde

Langholm Q&A by Ruth Tingay


7 Replies to “Guest blogs 1”

  1. Informative, sometimes hard hitting, sometimes humorous, but never boring.
    Almost always one of the first things I read. I don’t always agree with everything, but I wouldn’t miss it. Thank you.

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