8 Replies to “Podcast on #justice4henharriers with Lush’s Charlie Moores”

  1. Quite long? I could give you a similar response you gave me when I called HHs ‘rather lovely’ 🙂 The more ‘Mark in full flow’ the better imho

  2. Have you listened to it?
    I can hear Charlie, but the sound level from your voice makes it almost inaudible.

    1. Sorry it appears that the 2 voices are on different (L&R) channels. I can hear it on my phone.

  3. What a lovely podcast, in spite of the rather dark subject matter the whole thing was highly convivial and enjoyable. Imagine their poster boy Botham and his pals trying to do the same!?! It’s so obvious it doesn’t need saying really, but what a bloody great host Charlie Moores is, total professional and great instinct in dealing with interviewees. On top of that clearly great naturalist and really nice bloke – sort you wish was your next door neighbour. Well done with the crowdfunder Mark looks as if you’ve turned some of the legal profession into HH fans in the process.

  4. It is very pleasing that the fund-raising campaign has been so successful and has enabled a legal challenge to brood meddling to go ahead. A secondary benefit is that financial pledges are a very ‘sincere’ way of supporting a campaign and the ease with which funds were raised for this judicial review provides a very clear signal to everyone about the depth of feeling on this issue.

    As I understand the discussion with CM, thanks to the Aarhus convention you are now in a position where you are pretty confident that you have sufficient funding to carry you through the process. I hope this is so but am confident that if you do need to ask for additional funding to keep the legal challenge going you will be successful. What I was not clear about, though, is what happens if the £25,000 you have available turns out to be more than required (is that even possible?)? In such an eventuality I would hope that the rules of the crowd-funding site will allow you to hold on to the left-over cash to use it for other aspects of the campaign but maybe you could comment on that Mark? It would be a shame if you just had to give the money back.

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