Winged Wonders

Intro – Animals are a very important part of our ecosystem, and many of them are undevalues due to lack of education and understanding. This can certainly be said for our vast populations of bats, and the folks at Thomson Ecology have come up with a new and intriguing infographic all about these fascinating creatures. It covers a whole range of topics from their anatomy and skill sets to their numbers across the globe and their place in our current climate. Did you know, for example, that bat dropping were used in the American Civil War? And that bats aren’t at all blind, and some can see just as well as us humans? All this and more for you to read and enjoy.

thom eco march 2014


Bio – Thomson Ecology are ecological, biological and environmental experts who specialise in the welfare of local creatures in industrial areas. They’ve taught many businesses how to take care of their local animals and what they can do to prevent further issues.
Mark writes – This blog does not endorse Thomson Ecology but thought that their infographic was worth a wider airing. Thomson Ecology have not paid anything for this exposure.


2 Replies to “Winged Wonders”

  1. Any one who works with wind farms know how corrupt the companies are and should not get involved as I found out for myself back in the early 1990s thinking they were ‘green’. Money destroys everything and I know of many ex RSPB workers and other so called bird enthusiasts that have taken this cash but few really care for birds or landscape!!

  2. “Bats are classified into two main sub-species megabats and microbats” ???

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