Tim Melling – Plateau Pikas

Tim writes: The Plateau Pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a medium-sized lagomorph (c140g) that occurs mainly on the high desert plateaux of China, but also in Tibet, Pakistan, India and Nepal.  They look a bit like Gerbils but are in the same family as rabbits and hares, but have oddly human ears.  It gets really cold in winter on the Tibetan Plateau yet they do not hibernate, being active year round.  They are also only active during the day when they feed on grasses and sedges, sleeping in their burrows at night. They also occur in extraordinary abundance and are the main prey item for most of the predators that occur on the plateaux (Tibetan Fox, Pallas’s Cat, Chinese Mountain Cat, Saker Falcon, Upland Buzzard, Steppe Eagle, Eagle Owl).  I photographed this courting couple in the snow at Rouergai nearly 4000m on the Tibetan Plateau.  There was a blanket of snow on the ground but they prepare for that by keeping a store of hay in their burrows, to get them through the times when snow covers their feeding grounds.

Mark writes:  Tim was knocked off his bike by a car a few days ago and he’s not looking quite as handsome as usual, but he tells me that he’s on the mend.  Best wishes to him for a speedy and full recovery and many thanks for all the words and pictures he’s donated to this blog over the past year.


7 Replies to “Tim Melling – Plateau Pikas”

  1. Yes Tim, I really have enjoyed your photos and the accompanying text, something to look forward to on a Saturday. I hope that you are on the mend and completely recovered soon.

    1. Many thanks for all your good wishes. I suffered lots of cuts and bruises, particularly to my face, but fortunately no spine or head injuries (I was wearing a helmet). It’s a good job I have a stockpile of photos as I haven’t set foot out of the house since returning from hospital.

      I tried to reply to all of you who wished me well but the system seems to have only let me reply to Paul.

  2. Tim – your posts are always brilliant! I love reading about all these wonderful creatures that you photograph. I wish you all the best. Get well soon.

    1. Yes, I love your photos too and hope you recover soon, Tim.

      And best wishes to everyone for the Festive Season.

  3. Sorry to hear about your accident Tim. Hope you are soon well and back out there with your camera – whether in the Himalaya or the Peak District. Looking forward to more great pictures in 2019.

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