4 Replies to “A potentially interesting paper”

    1. via Researchgate you can request a copy of the paper direct from the authors. SciHub is allegedly still operating but via a dodgy-looking route into the uncensorable web that is too off-putting to contemplate – even if I could understand the instructions …

      It is always important to read the whole paper – otherwise you can’t apply the Heydecker Test: “Is this true?”

  1. Shame this wasn’t promoted during the Springwatch run. Putting it out on twitter under the Springwatch hashtag between eight and nine pm during the week, would have been helpful. The Springwatch hashtag has been very under utilised by wildlife campaigners, during the show’s run. A missed opportunity.

  2. It seems a well written and interesting paper. It is always important to understand the mentality of the enemy or opposition. In doing so however one should never loose sight of the fact that most of the shooting brigade, gamekeepers to grouse moor owners, are breaking the law. They are also carrying out very wildlife and environmental damaging practices that are only fit for the Victorian age. I am sure that when they passed a laws in Victorian times banning the sending of children up chimneys and when they stopped very young children working long hours in factories, that howls of protest went up from the owners.
    Driven Grouse shooting is just the same as these situations and the aim must be to completely ban the practice for the good of our wildlife, and our environment.

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