Letter to my MP on Fineshade Wood

101628.jpgDear Mr Pursglove

As part of your ‘Listening to Corby and east Northants‘ campaign I’m sure you would like to know how I feel about the possibility of a major development at Fineshade Wood. I’m against it!

I was glad to see that you too were against it when you were seeking election and I would like your assurance that you are still against it now that you are my MP. I am well aware that you have no formal role in this planning application (should it be re-submitted) by Forest Holidays (aided and abetted by the Forestry Commission – a non-ministerial government department) as it will be a matter for East Northants Council, but I would still like to know your position on this case.

In particular, I wonder whether you would be able to tell me:

  • have you ever visited Fineshade Wood and talked to the residents there?
  • have you seen the excellent website ‘Friends of Fineshade Wood‘?
  • have you had any meetings with the Forestry Commission since you became an MP?
  • have you had any meetings with the Forestry Commission where Fineshade Wood has been discussed since you became an MP?
  • have you had any meetings with Natural England since you became an MP?
  • have you had any meetings with Natural England where Fineshade Wood has been discussed since you became an MP?
  • have you had any meetings with Forest Holidays since you became an MP?
  • have you had any meetings with Curtin & Co, who we understand have been hired by Forest Holidays, since you became an MP?

I have scanned your Westminster reports that I receive regularly by email (for which – many thanks and well done for doing this) and I keep an eye on your activities in parliament through They Work for You (you don’t seem to me to have been as active as Andy Sawford but then you are probably still finding your feet) and I haven’t noticed any interest from you on these or other environmental issues. Or is that an unfair assessment?


Yours sincerely


PS You may notice that I have started another e-petition to ban driven grouse shooting which is supported by Chris Packham, Bill Oddie and the League Against Cruel Sports. In less than two days it has amassed over 5000 signatures.  When I last looked, Corby was one of the constituencies where the initial response was strong.






3 Replies to “Letter to my MP on Fineshade Wood”

  1. Mark & Mr. Pursglove

    It is also worth pointing out that one of the significant benefits of being in the EU, and therefore by extension, remaining in the EU, is the environmental protection, either directly or through the planning system, bestowed upon such places as Fineshade Wood.

    Although I am not a constituent of Mr Pursglove, nature and the environment disregard political boundaries, so attitudes held by all MPs and politicians regardless of affiliation are important.

    Tomorrow, the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM) are having their spring conference and the subject is Ecological Impact Assessment (http://www.cieem.net/2016-spring-conference).

    If one were to undertake an EcIA on the Conservatives, what would Mr Pursglove conclude I wonder? And to what extent would we differ?


  2. It is deeply disappointing to see the Forestry Commission persisting with this and very boring. What part of leaving this lovely area alone do they not understand ? It is not suited to children and adults camping around delicate areas with nesting birds and adders. Go and find another place that is suitable please – there are acres to choose from. The Woodland Trust have abandoned its support for such an idea, that has already been thoroughly rejected by a sensible Council.

  3. It seems that there are elements in the Forestry Commission who are determined, yet again, to build a holiday camp in this woodland which is certainly worthy of SSSI status. (Details here http://www.fineshade.org.uk/#!sssi/cjj8) Have they learned nothing from last time? Apart from Forest Holidays’ paid consultants, there were no ecologists who supported the idea. So who is it in the FC that thinks you can get away with moving dormice, adders, bats, birds, butterflies and badgers to make way for luxury cabins?

    Whoever it is they don’t seem to care about the damage yet another application will do to the FC’s sad and tarnished reputation. Shame!

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