Jane V. Adams
Jane is a naturalist, photographer and nature writer living in Dorset. Her work has appeared in books, anthologies and blogs for charities such as The Wildlife Trusts and the International Bee Research Association. When she’s not exploring Dorset’s lanes and countryside she can be found lying on her stomach watching insects in her garden. Jane is currently studying for an MA in Travel and Nature Writing at Bath Spa University and can be found: www.janevadams.com and on Twitter @WildlifeStuff
2021, 27 February – Mercury rising
2021, 30 January – Cause for celebration
2020, 30 December – Jackdaws
2020, 28 November – At least Nature has benefited
2020, 31 October – The Smells in Nature
2020, 26 September – Hunting for Ivy Bees
2020, 29 August – The Scabby Plant
2020, 25 July – Clutching at Straws
2020, 27 June – Stag Beetles
2020, 2 June – Wool Carder Bee
2020, 20 May – A chance encounter with a weevil
2020, 3 May – Brimming over with bees
Louise Bacon

Louise writes: I used to be a biochemist studying human immune system malfunction whilst being a part-time naturalist and conservationist. Then I converted to being an environmental data geek, which is what I do part of the time in a vague attempt to pay the bills I have been a birder since childhood, and am now the Cambridgeshire county bird recorder, and am also a butterfly and moth enthusiast, with an interest in several other taxon groups including lichens, ants and molluscs, and when not in front of maps or a database can usually be found in woodlands carrying out vital management work, or surveying farmland birds.
2020, 19 June – Afterwards…
2020, 29 January – Volunteeers in the conservation sector (4)
2020, 2 January – Woodland Musing (2)
2019, 23 December – Woodland Musing (1)
2019, 15 October – Reconnecting with nature through coppicing
2019, 10 October – Reconnecting with nature through foraging
2019, 23 July – Volunteeers in the conservation sector (3)
2019, 15 July – Volunteeers in the conservation sector (2)
2019, 29 January – Valuing conservtion volunteeers
2018, 14 October – The worst month
Bob Berzins

Bob writes: I have a life long passion for the outdoors through rock climbing and fell running. A cancer scare in my thirties made me appreciate many things I simply hadn’t noticed before, from the smallest plants to the gap in the sky from a missing raptor. It’s all worth fighting for and that’s what I try to do.
2022, 27 June, Enforcement of Burning Ban
2020, 17 November Failure to assess and monitor Protected Sites
2020, 18 June, Natural England licences; a cover up? Part 2
2020, 16 June, Natural England licences; a cover up? Part 1
2019, 19 December Grouse Shooting, a Track and the Law
2019, 11 January Progress in the Peak
2018, 13 February Flood and Blanket Bog Management in the Peak
2017, 16 February More from the Peak District
2017, 13 February Peak District Paths
Ian Carter

Ian Carter has possibly written more words on this blog than anyone other than its owner. These include several book reviews, To significant series of blogs (Wild Food and A Break from Humanity) and a number of guest blogs:
2021, 9 October Blocking Motorways
2019, 11 April Hunting crimes in Devon (3)
2018, November Hunting Crimes in Devon (2)
2018, 7 August Rewilding – a step too far?
2018, 23 April Fox Hunting Crimes
2017, 22 November Conservation 21
2017, 1 August Hen Harrier Reintroduction
2015, 19 August State of Nature
filbert cobb
I’m pretty sure that filbert cobb is not the real name of this contributor.
2020, 29 October The Willow Butterfly
2018, 14 September Leopoldius
2016, 30 September Remember not to forget
2014, 25 September The Sunken Garden
Mary Colwell

Mary Colwell is an award-winning radio, TV and internet producer winning 14 awards over the last 10 years, including a Sony Gold in 2009. She is also a radio presenter and feature writer for The Tablet.
2021, 2 March Curlew Recovery Partnership
2020, 29 May Natural History GCSE (4)
2018, 8 November Natural History GCSE (3)
2018, 24 October Natural History GCSE (2)
2016, 18 February Curlew Calls
2015, 15 January Shared Planet
2012, 23 November Natural History GCSE (1)
Derek Gow

Derek Gow is a farmer – you can see from the image opposite he is a serious farmer.
2021, 9 October Holding back the Beaver
2020, 12 May The Bureaucrats and the Beavers
2019, 3 June I must tell you something of the Beaver
2019, 4 February Winds of Change
Miles King

Miles King is Chief Executive of People Need Nature a charity working to highlight the sensory, emotional and spiritual values of nature. He has worked in nature conservation for 30 years, leading the conservation work at Plantlife, The Grasslands Trust and Buglife. He has also worked for English Nature, Natural England and as a consultant. He is co-author of Arable Plants: A Field Guide (2003), and The Nature of God’s Acre (2014).
2020, 6 November 100 acres of Bog, Heath and Grassland destroyed by tree-planting
2020, 15 June Pheasant or Pheasant’s-Eye?
2019, 28 June Farmland Tax Breaks
2017, 3 January Food for Thought
2016, 21 November Disturbing for Nature
2013, 13 November The Age of Can Do
Stephen Moss
Stephen Moss is a naturalist, author and course leader of the MA Travel & Nature Writing at Bath Spa University.
2021, 27 November Stephen Moss’s 2021 Round-up of Nature books.
2020, 13 November Stephen Moss’s 2020 Round-up of Nature books.
2019, 21 November Stephen Moss’s 2019 Round-up of Nature books.
2018, 5 December Stephen Moss’s 2018 Round-up of Nature books.
2012, 30 March National Trust Natural Childhood report.
Ian Parsons

Ian Parsons spent twenty years working as a Ranger with the Forestry Commission, where he not only worked with birds of prey and dormice, but where he developed his passion for trees. Now a freelance writer, Ian runs his own specialist bird tour company leading tours to Extremadura. For more details see www.griffonholidays.com
2021, 1 April Why so timid on Rewilding?
2020, 11 February Planting Trees (4)
2020, 30 January Planting Trees (3)
2020, 16 January Planting Trees (2)
2020, 9 January Planting Trees (1)
2020, 11 October The Climate Change Elephant
2019, 18 January Reclaiming the name
2019, 1 April Citizen Science by Olaf Lipur
2018, 18 December The worst of times or the best of times?
2018, 27 July Local tours for local people
2018, 18 July Acceptability of Wildness
2018, 12 July Feel Good Factor
2018, 14 March Whitebeam Spring
2018, 12 January A Recycled Argument
2018, 3 January Bird of the Year
2017, 18 November How red are Reds?
2017, 29 August Building for Wildlife
2017, 27 July Love Vultures – Ban Diclofenac
2017, 9 March Seeing the Wood for the Trees
2017, 13 January A Question of Importance
2016, 13 December Disturbing Conservation
2016, 15 September Tree Blindness

Alick Simmons
Alick Simmons is a veterinarian, naturalist and photographer. He lives in Somerset.
2020, 28 December Digging holes
2019, 16 December Licensed Badger Killing; Ethical Considerations
2019, 10 July The Ethics of Animal Exploitation (4)
2019, 24 June The Ethics of Animal Exploitation (3)
2019, 17 June The Ethics of Animal Exploitation (2)
2019, 7 June The Ethics of Animal Exploitation (1)
2019, 5 March UK Guardians of Animal Welfare
Jonathan Wallace

After studying zoology at university Jonathan was involved in ornithological research and conservation for a number of years in France, Scotland and West Africa. Subsequently he has spent most of his career as an environmental consultant, assisting industry in managing its environmental impacts. Wildlife, particularly insects, remain his first love however and he is a keen butterfly and moth recorder and an active member of the North East England Branch of Butterfly Conservation.
2021, 25 March Who gives a toss?
2020, 20 December Unusual Christmas Gifts Company
2020, 25 June I wish I had swatted it
2016, 27 December What have invertebrates ever done for us?
2016, 4 July Nature Club (update) by E Truss (Senior Prefect)
2016, 17 February Nature Club by E Truss (Senior Prefect)
Dominic Woodfield

He is a life-long birder, a specialist in botany, habitat restoration and creation and in protected fauna including bats, herpetofauna and other species. He is also a highly experienced practitioner in Environmental Impact Assessment and Habitats Regulations Assessment. Most of his work is for the development sector, but he has also undertaken commissions for Natural England, the RSPB, Wildlife Trusts and campaign groups. He once mounted an independent legal challenge in defence of an important site for butterflies in Bicester, Oxfordshire, which resulted in planning permission for a five-hundred unit housing development being overturned. He lives in Oxford with his partner and family.
2022, 24 June HS2 and Jones Hill Wood
2022, 18 June How a suppressed BTO report became published as a ‘joint’ BTO/NE study
2021, 1 May HS2, Natural England and Jones Hill Wood
2021, 7 April HS2 Ltd and Natural England – partners in Crime?
2021, 11 January Is it really too late to save the Scottish wildcat?
2020, 1 July The Great Divide
2019, 13 September Sorry Tony. You can’t spin this into a good news story for Natural England
2018, 24 September NE, badgers and Judgement
2018, 9 July Whither Now for State Nature Conservation